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Planning and procurement evaluation in 2019-2020 at pharmaceutical installation of X Private Hospital, Sidoarjo, Indonesia

, , , , , ,
  1. Department of Pharmacy, Setia Budi University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  2. Department of Pharmacochemistry, Setia Budi University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  3. Department of Apothecary, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia.


Hospitals must timely provide qualified health services to the community, so pharmaceutical supply management is very important. Appropriate drug supply control has a major impact on service quality to the patients. This study aimed to analyze the drug inventory control system in the planning and procurement stages by analyzing ABC, VEN, and ABC-VEN combinations. This study is an observational descriptive study using retrospective data collected at the pharmaceutical installation of X Private Hospital in Waru, Sidoarjo Regency, in 2019-2020. The drugs analyzed were orals, injections, and infusions, and the inventory control was analyzed using ABC, VEN, and ABC-VEN Analysis in 2019-2020. This study showed differences in ABC-VEN drug class, changes in the parenteral multivitamin group from C-N to A-V, and antibiotics (Ceftriaxone) from B-E to A-V groups. Group changes caused changes in priorities in procurement and inventory control, which happened due to the Covid-19 pandemic occurring in Indonesia and throughout the world. Based on SWOT analysis, strategic development is to develop a Hospital Information System and increase the competence and skills of pharmaceutical staff.

Keywords: Drug procurement, Drug planning, Covid-19, ABC Analysis, VEN analysis, Sars-Cov-2

How to cite this article:
Erowati TI, Herowati R, Purwidyaningrum I, Widodo GP, Oetari R, Atmadani RN, et al. Planning and procurement evaluation in 2019-2020 at pharmaceutical installation of X Private Hospital, Sidoarjo, Indonesia. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2024;14(2):42-9. https://doi.org/10.51847/eETvRwl7NV
Erowati, T. I., Herowati, R., Purwidyaningrum, I., Widodo, G. P., Oetari, R., Atmadani, R. N., & Rachmawati, H. (2024). Planning and procurement evaluation in 2019-2020 at pharmaceutical installation of X Private Hospital, Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 14(2), 42-49. https://doi.org/10.51847/eETvRwl7NV
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