Family support for patients with stroke: a systematic review
Background and aims: Roles and family support are crucial in the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. This review aimed to identify the recent intervention, outcome, domain, benefit, and strategies of family support for stroke patients. Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, ProQuest, Science direct, and CINAHL databases using the keywords family support for stroke, intervention, and outcome measures yielded 103 articles. This initial search was subjected to further analysis using the following inclusion criteria: (1) Articles were written in English; (2) Articles were published between 2000-2018; (3) Articles were quantitative study; (4) Articles focused on family support for stroke patients. The exclusion criterion was no duplicated articles. The data collected showed that the interventions were focused on both the stroke patient and their family. Results: Several outcome measurements used to determine the success of family support. The outcome included physical, psychological, social, quality of life, cognitive and economic aspects. The domain included informational, practical, and psychological support. Conclusion: The family support benefitted both the patients and their families. Family support is highly beneficial to accelerate recovery from stroke.
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