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Formation of inclusive competence of future special education teachers

, , ,
  1. Department of Defectology, Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan

  2. Department of Special Pedagogy, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Dostyk, Kazakhstan.

  3. Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Karaganda Buketov University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.


The relevance of the research of the article is due to the problem of the formation of inclusive competence of the future special education teachers within the educational process at the university, as a professional and significant characteristic for their future activity. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for the formation of inclusive competence in a student studying in the speciality "Special education teachers". The method for the study of the highlighted problem is the diagnosis of personality attitudes in the motivational-need sphere based on the development of O.F. Potemkin. It allows determining the level of personal attitude to social interaction at the level of manifestation of one's activity. The manifestation occurs in the form of individual activity with the presentation of the final result from the process under consideration of the necessary organisation to solve the current problem in relation to all its participants in considering the preservation of its prosperous component. The article presents a model for training special education teachers on the level of their relationship with their future wards, taking into account the norm of physical, emotional and social perception based on the correction based on the necessary elements in different situations. In such situations, a special education teachers acts as an adult friend who helps to overcome various difficulties, taking into account the use of correctional psychology and improving relations in society on the basis of motivational-value, cognitive, active, sociable, emotionally respectful, creative, cultural-aesthetic criteria in favourable conditions of the educational process. The formed model will contribute to the formation of a friendly form of manifestation of their professional competencies in future special education teachers, aimed at the successful development of personality. This will happen on the basis of the necessary correction within the framework of value indicators at all levels to create a model of favourable life activity with an understanding of the importance of maintaining a positive emotional background, and other components in their future students.

Keywords: Student, Sociability, Motivational and value criterion, Correctional and pedagogical activity, Education

How to cite this article:
Ashimkhanova GS, Autaeva AN, Rymkhanova AR, Olexyuk ZY. Formation of inclusive competence of future special education teachers. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2024;14(4):155-62. https://doi.org/10.51847/cuvdEhj7Nl
Ashimkhanova, G. S., Autaeva, A. N., Rymkhanova, A. R., & Olexyuk, Z. Y. (2024). Formation of inclusive competence of future special education teachers. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 14(4), 155-162. https://doi.org/10.51847/cuvdEhj7Nl
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