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Review on hospital healthcare-associated infections in Africa: Cross-sectional analyses, hygiene perspectives, risk factors and prevention strategies

, , , , , , , , ,
  1. Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Santé (ISSS), Djibouti City, Djibouti.
  2. Health Sciences and Technologies Laboratory, Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Hassan First University, Settat, Morocco.
  3. Superior School of Technology, University of Sultan Moulay Slimane, BP 170, Khenifra 54000 Morocco.
  4. Medicinal Research Institute, Center for Research and Study of Djibouti, BP 486, Djibouti.


This comprehensive review explores in depth the various aspects of hospital hygiene in Africa, focusing particularly on nosocomial infections, hospital environment, hand hygiene, and aseptic procedures. The fundamental objective of this study is to provide strategic support to the committee for the fight against nosocomial infections by developing a risk analysis methodology specifically adapted to control the dangers inherent in hand hygiene and the hospital environment. The approach employed is predicated on a biometric database with 20 scholarly articles that are all published studies on hospital hygiene in Africa. Strict inclusion and exclusion standards were used to guarantee the accuracy and dependability of the information gathered. The results obtained from this approach present themselves as an essential contribution to improving hospital hygiene in Africa. By highlighting existing gaps, challenges encountered and proposing effective operational strategies, this review aims to strengthen the prevention and control of nosocomial infections within health establishments in the region. The approach adopted highlights the importance of developing specific approaches, informed by solid data, to address the issues specific to hospital hygiene in Africa. By identifying risk factors and providing pragmatic recommendations, this review offers clear perspectives to guide efforts to improve the quality of hygiene practices in African hospital environments, thereby contributing to more effective management of nosocomial infections.

Keywords: Hospital hygiene, Nosocomial infections, Hospital environment, Aseptic procedures, Risk analysis

How to cite this article:
Abdoul-Latif TM, Ainane T, Abdoul-Latif FM, Abdallah N, Ainane A, Benhadi Z, et al. Review on hospital healthcare-associated infections in Africa: Cross-sectional analyses, hygiene perspectives, risk factors and prevention strategies. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2024;14(4):112-20. https://doi.org/10.51847/kUp0ugkrg1
Abdoul-Latif, T. M., Ainane, T., Abdoul-Latif, F. M., Abdallah, N., Ainane, A., Benhadi, Z., Lakhrissi, A., Himmouche, N., Hilali, A., & Bouzid, J. (2024). Review on hospital healthcare-associated infections in Africa: Cross-sectional analyses, hygiene perspectives, risk factors and prevention strategies. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 14(4), 112-120. https://doi.org/10.51847/kUp0ugkrg1
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