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ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO10 improves Neutrophil profile in spinal cord injury of rat models

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Acute spinal cord injury (SCI) is a health burden that affects daily function. Based on its prevalence, SCI becomes a major problem in the country. Inflammation is one of SCI property that stays as the main target for management in the last decade. ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO1 (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro) has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties but remains unclear for SCI models. This experimental study was done on the SCI model of the Sprague-Dawley rat. Neutrophil was taken as an inflammatory marker from the spinal cord of the rat model on 3 and 6 hours of observation following injury. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA comparison test with significance cut off of p < 0.05, CI 95%.

Six samples from each control and treatment group (normal saline 3 and 6 hours; ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO10 3 and 6 hours) were observed for immunoreacted values of neutrophil staining to assess inflammatory reactions in spinal cord injury models. Statistical analysis continued with the Kruskal-Wallis test and found significant differences (p <0.001) between groups. Post-hoc tests were carried out using the Steel method. The most significant difference in Neutrophil levels was found in the ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO10 6 hours group against normal saline 6 hours.

How to cite this article:
Faris M, Utomo B, Al Fauzi A, Sudiana IK, Maliawan S, Dahlan YP, et al. ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO10 improves Neutrophil profile in spinal cord injury of rat models. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(2):61-5. https://doi.org/10.51847/lWGhW1Yn1Q
Faris, M., Utomo, B., Al Fauzi, A., Sudiana, I. K., Maliawan, S., Dahlan, Y. P., Illiandri, O., Machfoed, M. H., & Bajamal, A. H. (2021). ACTH4-10PRO8-GLY9-PRO10 improves Neutrophil profile in spinal cord injury of rat models. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(2), 61-65. https://doi.org/10.51847/lWGhW1Yn1Q
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