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The indicator system of regional socio-economic situation based on harmonized information resources

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Digitalization of methods of obtaining information, a variety of forms of statistical reporting are often accompanied by the emergence of methodological problems in the evaluation of certain indicators. The creation of a digital statistical double of the subject, based on the principles of harmonization of information resources, will optimize the depth of data provided by individual departments, take into account the specifics of the development of individual territories and factors that have a quantitative and qualitative impact on the institutional environment. This study presents an improved methodology for analyzing the level of banking services provision in the subject and its economic health, taking into account the requirements of the formation of the digital shadow of the region. The relevance of such an analysis is related to the problem of achieving the necessary predictive significance, which is possible only when applying statistics at the regional level. The presented system of indicators contains not only data on the level of basic banking services of the subject, but also the grouping of subjects for each component of the model, which is especially important for dynamic analysis. The possibility of using statistical data aggregated by such doubles. The complex nature of the methods allowed us to identify the characteristic features of the development of the regions, their "bottlenecks". Dynamic analysis of the cluster composition allowed us to identify the features of individual clusters and give recommendations for their further development.

How to cite this article:
Sadovnikova NA, Lebedinskaya OG, Bezrukov AV, Davletshina LA. The indicator system of regional socio-economic situation based on harmonized information resources. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(1):147-55. https://doi.org/10.51847/3PILn6KmmW
Sadovnikova, N. A., Lebedinskaya, O. G., Bezrukov, A. V., & Davletshina, L. A. (2021). The indicator system of regional socio-economic situation based on harmonized information resources. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(1), 147-155. https://doi.org/10.51847/3PILn6KmmW
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