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Phytochemical and Pharmacological profile of lanata camara l: An Overview

Piush Sharma, B Shrivastava1, Ganesh N. Sharma1, Hemant R. Jadhav


Now a day, focus on plant research has increased all over the world and a large body of evidence has collected to show immense potential of medicinal plants used in various traditional systems. Over the last few years, researchers have aimed at identifying and validating plant derived substances for the treatment of various diseases. Similarly it has been already proved that various parts of plants such as Leafs, fruits, seeds etc. provide health and nutrition promoting compounds in human diet. Lanata camara L. (Verbenaceae) some times also known as wild or red sage,is listed as one of the important medicinal plant of the world and it is also considered most noxious weeds. The present review aims to compile medicinal values of Lanata camara generated through the research activity using modern scientific approaches and innovative scientific tools.

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