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Improvement effect of linseed oil on the activity of testes and physiological parameters in mice treated with Bicalutamide

Najdat Ali Al-kadhi, Kasim Sakran Abass, Shaheen Ekram Jaafar


The study aimed to explore the protective and improvement effect of linseed oil (LSO) on some physiological and histological parameters of male mice treated with Bicalutamide. The study carried out on 25 male mice, all treated orally once daily by gavages needle for 40 days. Animals were allocated randomly to 5 groups each included five at controlled conditions. First group served as control, 2nd group included castrated mice, 3rd group received LSO, 4th group received bicalutamide and 5th group received LSO+ bicalutamide. At the end of experiment, the blood collected and centrifuged to obtain serum and kept at deep freeze ( -20 c) until  biochemical tests carried out for detection of AST, ALT, ALP, urea, uric acid, creatinin and TSB by semi- auto chemistry analyzer. While testosterone, FSH, and LH were detected with automic fluorescence immune- assay. Histological study carried out after removal of testes to study the diameter and number of seminiferous tubules with number of leydig and sertoli cells. Results of the study recorded a significant elevation (P<0.05) in the concentration of AST, ALT, ALP, urea, uric acid, creatinin but significant reduction in the level of FSH, LH and testosterone in castrated and bicalutamide groups. While in the LSO and LSO+ bicalutamide groups not showed any remarkable differences (P>0.05) in their concentrations as compared control. However histological study concerned with the diameter of seminiferous tubules with number of leydig and sertoli cells showed significant reduction (P<0.05) in the bicalutamide group, while LSO and LSO + bicalutamide  groups not recorded remarkable reduction (P>0.05). In conclusion supplementation of animals with LSO or co- administrated with bicalutamide can ameliorate and improves some physiological and testicular activities.

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