Estimation of validation parameters of Uv-Spectrophotometric method for analysis of Valsartan
The aim of recent investigation was the estimation of the validation analytical parameters selectivity, linearity, LOD, LOQ, accuracy and precision for UV-spectrophotometric method for analysis of Valsartan at λmax = 252 nm (99.98 % ethanol) and λmax = 250 nm (methanol). Selectivity was proved by the fact that in UV-spectra of blank solution was not observed the measured absobance at Valsartan specific wavelengths. The experimental results were subjected to a linear regression analysis: 99.98 % ethanol: y = 81628.x – 0.0226 (A > 0.2); y = 88004.x – 9.10-5 (A < 0.2); methanol: 39508.x + 0.095 (A > 0.2); 53659.x + 0.008 (A < 0.2). Linearity is characterized by coefficient of linear regression: R2 > 0.98. In 99.98 % ethanol LOD = 1.84.10–9 g/ml; LOQ = 6.12.10–9 g/ml; in methanol: LOD = 9.4.10–8 g/ml; LOQ = 3.16.10–7 g/ml. Accuracy is represented by the degree of recovery, which suit confidence intervals: 1) 99.98 % ethanol: RСV160 : 97.51 % ÷ 99.11 %; 2) methanol: RСV160: 97.74 % ÷ 100.06 %. Results for precision correspond to the relevant interval: 1) 99.98 % ethanol: СV160: 157.06 mg ÷ 157.94 mg; 2) methanol: СV160: 157.52 mg ÷ 158.90 mg.
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