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Cost optimization in the drug treatment of the inpatients with Schizophrenia

Elena Maksimkina, Larisa Vaskova, Ivan Krysanov, Marina Tiapkina, Anastasiya Mancheva


Purpose: The work has been aimed at developing an interactive pharmacoeconomic tool that allows determining the cost and consumption of the drugs used for treating schizophrenia and optimizing the cost based on the results of the comprehensive pharmacoeconomic analysis. Materials and methods: The pharmacoeconomic methods used were as follows: the Cost of Illness analysis, the Impact on the Budget analysis, the Cost and Efficacy analysis, the Cost Minimization analysis, and the ATC/DDD methodology of the WHO. Results: The developed software is a tool for pharmacoeconomics managers. The user enters the initial data for each patient, such as gender, age, treatment regimen, and duration of hospitalization. For calculating the cost, the data about the purchase price of the drugs are entered. The application allows calculating the amount of the drugs taken by a patient, consumption (NDDD/100 bed-days), and the cost of drug treatment. The cost can be summarized by certain criteria: by international nonproprietary or commercial names, by the groups of drugs, by the hospitalization unit, by the disease code (international classification of diseases (ICD)-10), which allows controlling the costs of medical organizations and their structure. The obtained data can be used for the Cost of Illness analysis, the Impact on the Budget analysis, the Cost and Efficacy analysis, the Cost and Practicability analysis, and the Cost Minimization analysis. For this purpose, the data about the efficacy and the quality of life are provided by the user. Conclusion: The application allows healthcare professionals to estimate, using the pharmacoeconomic approach, the cost of inpatient schizophrenia drug treatment for both a single patient and the studied cohort of patients, and to manage the psychiatric medical organizations' costs amount and structure.

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