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Validation of Feedback Questionnaire on Flipped Classroom (FC) Activity

Ankur Barua, Kumar Shiva Gubbiyappa, Hasnain Zafar Baloch, Biswadeep Das


Background Using technology, lectures are now moved out of the classroom and delivered online as a means to provide interaction and collaboration. Flipped classroom (FC) is a modern instructional method to engage students in learning process by replacing the didactic lectures. In this study, a feedback questionnaire was developed to study the perception of participants on flipped classroom activities. Objective To determine the reliability of a feedback questionnaire for monitoring flipped classroom activity on Complementary Medicine Module in undergraduate Pharmacy programme. Materials and Methods In this cross-sectional study, a flipped class was conducted on a group of 112 students of B. Pharm Semester 5 programme. The topic selected was popular herbal remedies of the complementary medicine module. A feedback questionnaire, based on five-point Likert scale, was developed to monitor flipped classroom activity. Flipped class was conducted with audio and video presentation in the form of a quiz using ten One Best Answer (OBA) type of multiple choice questions. Audience response was captured by using web-based interaction with Poll Everywhere. Feedback was obtained from every participant at the end of flipped classroom activity and debriefing was done. Results Randomly selected 112 complete responses were included in final analysis. There were 47(42.0%) male and 65(58.0%) female respondents. The test-retest reliability of the feedback questionnaire (kappa statistics) from the pilot study was found to be k=0.94. The overall Cronbach’s alpha of the final version of flipped classroom feedback questionnaire was 0.912. Conclusion The evidences from this study suggest that this feedback questionnaire is a valid teaching-learning tool for monitoring flipped classroom activities during the delivery of Complementary Medicine Module in undergraduate Pharmacy programme.

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