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Treatment of allergic rhinitis: a review of homeopathic therapy

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Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a global health problem affecting more than 400 million people in our world. The constant increase in the incidence of AR is associated with an unfavorable environmental situation, social and family stress, unfavorable living conditions, improper nutrition, increased bad habits, intensive development of industry, chemicalization of production, agriculture, uncontrolled use of drugs. It should be noted that the risk of hay fever (pollinosis) occurs precisely at the age of 5–15 years in England, Denmark, and the USA. At the same time, 10-15% have symptoms of convenient rhinitis. The significant expansion of this disease increases the demand for anti-functional agents, which use one of the important segments of the pharmaceutical market. Understanding the pathophysiology and treatment methods is critical in the development of new homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines have almost no side effects and remain a safe influence on the body. The range of modern homeopathic remedies for the prevention and treatment of AR on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is mainly represented by drugs of foreign production and the assortment does not meet the needs of consumers. Solving this problem is possible due to the expansion of domestic production of effective, safe and affordable homeopathic medicines.

How to cite this article:
Tatyana Y, Svitlana O, Viktoriia P, Olga R, Oleksandr K. Treatment of allergic rhinitis: a review of homeopathic therapy. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2023;13(2):107-17. https://doi.org/10.51847/7ovEPZSDdV
Tatyana, Y., Svitlana, O., Viktoriia, P., Olga, R., & Oleksandr, K. (2023). Treatment of allergic rhinitis: a review of homeopathic therapy. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 13(2), 107-117. https://doi.org/10.51847/7ovEPZSDdV
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