The role of family in assisting the recovery of patients suffering from Tuberculosis
Background: Indonesia is one of the countries with a high increase in the number of cases of Tuberculosis (TB). In 2016 the number of new TB cases in Central Java was 118 per 100,000 and increased in 2017 by 132.9 per 100,000 population. Bangetayu Healthcare is one area with a high number of TB cases. The success rate of TB treatment in Bangetayu Healthcare in 2017 is 55% and the increase in 2018 is 80% but has not reached the target. Many factors cause the low success rate of TB treatment; one of them is family factors. Objective: To analyze the success of TB treatment in terms of family perceptions. Methods: This research is qualitative with descriptive-analytic. This research was conducted in the working area of Bangetayu Healthcare in September to October 2019. Primary data were taken from 2 family members of patients who were declared cured and two family members of patients who were declared failed and confirmed to the healthcare. Results: 2 family members of patients who were declared cure explained that they always monitored and reminded them to take medication and accompanied them during the control to Healthcare, and the other two families explained that they were not optimal in supervising taking medication and there was a rush so they could not provide maximum supervision. Conclusion: The function of the family in providing motivation and supervision is very influential on medication so that it can increase the success rate of treatment.
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