The Preparation and Storage Time of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum)-supplemented Bread
Discovering new variants of healthy bread is always a challenge. This work aimed to prepare red ginger supplemented-bread and to study its storage time. Red ginger was chosen as the supplement due to its high content of phenolic compounds, which are well-known for their antioxidant activity. Various concentrations (3%, 4.5%, and 6%) of fresh and powdered-red ginger were supplemented into bread materials. The mixtures were developed at 37 oC for 45 minutes and baked at 190 oC for 10 minutes. The storage times of fresh- and powdered-red ginger supplemented were 9-11.67 and 6.33-8.33 days, respectively, indicating longer storage time of red ginger supplemented-bread than the control one (mould grew on the 5th day). Moreover, a hedonic test (based on the odor, taste, and texture preferences) showed that the 3% red ginger supplemented-bread was more preferred by panelists (n=30). Red ginger supplemented-bread may have the potential for a new variant of healthy bread; however, further study on its antioxidant activity is still needed.
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