The international experience study of organization of medical and pharmaceutical care to the population in emergency situations
Introduction: One of the types of state social assistance to the population in emergency situations is medical-pharmaceutical care. A global experience on the management of emergency medical and pharmaceutical forces for rapid response to emergencies is of considerable interest. Materials and Methods: The research was based upon results of the same developed countries with extensive experience namely USA, 8 European countries and 7 Asia-Pacific countries. In our research we used methods of information retrieval, techniques of historical analysis, content analysis, comparison, and generalization. Results and Discussion: The article presents a comparative description of the organization of emergency medical services of different countries at the present stage. The study of foreign experience has shown that each country has its own characteristics in the creation of protection systems and rescue of the population in emergencies. Taking into account the experience of accidents and catastrophes consequences liquidation, experts highlight training, early implementation of measures to ensure the material-technical base, communication and interaction between different emergency services, as well as international cooperation. Conclusion: the analysis of foreign literature has shown that still there is not a single developed system of medical and pharmaceutical care disaster organization. In different countries this problem is solved differently depending on the organizational structure of health care, the availability of certain public organizations, laws and directives in case of mass disasters.
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