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The explaining and critical view at Eckankar’s anthropology according to the Islamic doctrines

Abdolreza Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaei


The school of Eckankar has raised many issues on the subject of anthropology. On the issue of man’s stand in the being, has introduced him as God’s offspring and heir, yet an offspring and heir even with the power to mould His power, and in some cases has gone beyond; expressing his stand as God’s; who through attributing being affected to God, has serious incompatibility with Islamic teachings and even with those of other revealed religions. on the issue of man’s creation and human races, along with accepting Darwin’s theory of species evolution, has pursued the general procedure of the theory of evolution through exaggerated, unscientific and undocumented statements in addition to mythological issues which in this paper those aspects incompatible with religious and Islamic texts are probed into, and serious critique has been done on it. on the issue of the goal of the creation of man, Eckankar categorically speaks of spiritual goals such as soul’s travel, co-working with God, reincarnation, and relation with Sugmad and submission to Sugmad; The present paper probes into and criticizes various issues such as man’s existential aspects, and the need to ECK and human’s races from the point of view of Eckankar. The study’s method is descriptive – explaining, along with critical view that has reintegrated in six parts.

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