The effectiveness of Jigsaw and STAD (student teams achievement division) cooperative learning model on pharmaceutical mathematics
Introduction: In Pharmacy Diploma Program, mathematics is known as pharmaceutical mathematics. This research is to describe about mathematics lecture by using the Cooperative Learning Model of Jigsaw and STAD-type Method and to know the activity and result of student learning at the Pharmaceutical Academy of Dwi Farma. Method: This research design’s approach is quantitative approach, the research method is the research Experiment using The Static Group Pre-test-Post-test Design. The instruments used are student activity observation sheets and students' cognitive achievement tests. The techniques used for data analysis are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Result: Based on the results of descriptive analysis, the average of the two groups, the first experimental class before using Jigsaw-type (Pre-test) type of Cooperative Learning Model is 61.09 and after using Jigsaw-type Cooperative Learning Model (postest) of 79.15; while the average experimental class II (Pre-test) is 66.48 and the average (postes) is 75.91. Samples from both groups were normally distributed, the variance homogeneous. Data analysis using t-test, the result of calculation data of average difference of N-gain of both groups obtained t value counted 2.14; while t table at 5% significant level with degrees of freedom (dk) = 70 that is 2.00, means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Conclusion: Student activity during pharmaceutical mathematics lecture with Jigsaw-type and STAD-type Cooperative Learning Model did not differ significantly and learning outcomes during pharmaceutical mathematics learning using of Jigsaw-type and STAD-type Cooperative Learning Model differed significantly. Jigsaw-type is more effective than STAD-type during pharmaceutical mathematics learning.
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