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The effect of type of anesthesia on mother and neonatal health during Cesarean section

Alaa Mohammed Sadiq, Shamim Riyadh Al Aasam, Abdul Rahman, Ali Nimaa Hassan, Maitham Ghaly Yousif


Introduction: CS delivery can be done with either spinal or general anesthesia (GA). Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. The choice of anesthesia for cesarean section has been traditionally influenced by patient and physician preferences. In the hospital setting of this examination, this prospective non-randomized observational study was conducted to look for the best type of anesthesia in regards to maternal and neonatal health parameters. Aims and Objectives: To get an evidence-based selection of the best type of anesthesia for CS (General or spinal), depending on maternal and fetal outcomes. Patient and Method: 76 pregnant women with elective C/S and without any chronic or pregnancy-related diseases were enrolled in the study. They were divided into two groups according to the type of anesthesia used during C/S. Both fetal and maternal parameters were studied to compare the anesthesia’s effects on baby and mother.
Results: SA group had longer delivery time than GA group (2.83 and 2.75 minutes, respectively). No significant difference between two groups with regards to 1 and 5 minutes and APGAR score (P value = 0.6 and 0.2, respectively) was observed. Conclusion: It was concluded that SA in cesarean section gave longer delivery time, but higher APGAR score for both 1 & 5 minutes when compared with GA group. However, these findings were not statistically significant. SA group sustained lower MAP than those delivered by GA, but it remained within the acceptable limit.

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