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The effect of training in pregnant women on beliefs and intention to do FGM

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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of group training on the beliefs and intention to do female genital mutilation(FGM) in pregnant women referring to community health services centers in Qeshm city. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 64 pregnant women. The test group received four 2-hour training sessions with a one-week interval. A three-section questionnaire on FGM, including demographic questionnaire, beliefs about FGM, and evaluation of intention to do FGM was completed by the researcher once before the random division of the subjects and once after the completion of the sessions.

There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of beliefs and intention to do FGM based on independent t-test and Fisher's exact test. In the intra-group comparison, based on the Paired T-test, the difference in beliefs in the test group was significantly different than that in the control group immediately and one month after the intervention, but there was no difference between immediately and one month after the intervention. Based on Fisher's exact test, the intention to do FGM, immediately and one month after the intervention in the test group was statistically significant, but there was not a statistically significant difference between immediately and one month after the intervention (P=1.000). The results of this study showed the positive effect of group training on pregnant women in beliefs and intention to do FGM.

How to cite this article:
Mojahed S, Shekari M, Bokaie M, Dehghani A. The effect of training in pregnant women on beliefs and intention to do FGM. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(4):136-42. https://doi.org/10.51847/WM4E80chDe
Mojahed, S., Shekari, M., Bokaie, M., & Dehghani, A. (2021). The effect of training in pregnant women on beliefs and intention to do FGM. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(4), 136-142. https://doi.org/10.51847/WM4E80chDe
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