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The conceptual framework for the development of international service marketing

Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Svetlana Valentinovna Zolotova, Elena Vadimovna Zaharova, Natalia Iosifovna Kovaleva, Elena Borisovna Tretyak, Veronika Olegovna Kozhina


The article is devoted to the development of a conceptual framework for the development of international service marketing. The main sources of the development of international service marketing are activation of objective factors of the development of service activities, deepening of the international division of labor, intensive development of the communication sphere of the world economy, and information integration of the world economy. The globalization of the world economy, regionalism, and global integration processes are serious challenges for international service marketing. At the same time, regionalism is one of the components of the new paradigm of international economic relations. It is impossible to take a worthy place in the world economy without a tolerant attitude towards international service marketing and regionalism and without taking these trends into account when developing measures to stimulate economic growth of the economy and increase its rating at the world level.

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