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Technology of forming the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization

Zhanat Karmanova1, Saltanat Abylaikhan2*, Madina Alpysbayeva3, Nurgul Sadvakassova4

1Faculty of Pedagogical, Karaganda Buketov University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. 2Private institution «Modern multidisciplinary College”, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. 3NLC «Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university», Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan. 4Faculty of Pedagogical, Karaganda Bouquets University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Correspondence: Saltanat Abylaikhan, Private institution «Modern multidisciplinary College”, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. [email protected]


The article deals with the problem of forming the moral culture of preschoolers, taking into account the main trends in societal development. Article aims to identify the possibility of forming the moral culture of preschool children in the context of the modernization of public consciousness through the introduction of the proposed pedagogical technology. Methodological approaches in the study: systemic, culturological, cultural-historical, informational. The following methods were used: observation, conversation, study of products of activity, project method; as well as analysis and generalization of scientific research on the problem. Based on an analysis of modern trends in state developments the authors note in the article that for many people the process of modernization of public consciousness is characteristic and education is assigned a significant role. We believe that the educational process of preschool organizations, together with the sensitivity of preschool age, is a favorable platform for the formation of the foundations of the moral culture of children in the context of the spiritual renewal of public consciousness. We have given definitions of concepts of "moral culture of preschool children in the context of modernization of public consciousness" and "formation of the foundations of the moral culture of children in the context of modernization of public consciousness". The pedagogical technology of the formation of moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness is proposed, which the authors define and the main idea of which is the formation of all its components: motivational-personal, meaningful, behavioral, and reflexive.

Keywords: Moral culture, Modernization of public consciousness, Preschool children, Pedagogical technology, Educational process of preschool organizations


Modernization is an integral characteristic of the modern era, the era of state development. The desire for global integration processes characterizes many societies, as a result of which modernization becomes one of the main processes of development of countries.

The common thing when considering the phenomenon of «modernization of public consciousness», «spiritual modernization» is that renewal, first of all, concerns the inner world of a person, it is an indicator of consciousness, trust, the value of knowledge, and lifestyle, the ability to perceive new changes. And the spiritual wealth of young people, first of all, can be called their education, knowledge of their native language, the level of culture, worldview, morality, and good breeding [1]. «Spiritual modernization is the uniqueness of value and cultural memory... The modernization of public consciousness is carried out through the renewal of humanitarian education and the adoption of new imperatives by society» [2], in particular, the main imperatives of modernization should be competitiveness, pragmatism, the openness of consciousness, high knowledge, and educational values.

In the article Socio-Moral Development of Preschool Children: Aspects of Theory and Practice, the field of social and communicative development of preschoolers is very clearly drawn up: it is necessary to observe the norms and values accepted in society, to form correctly evaluate the actions of one's own and peers, the development of empathy. This is all formed in the family, kindergartens [3]. Today there are wide opportunities for the sciences of morality and moral education to enter into a constructive dialogue [4].

Convinced that to improve moral education in schools, it is important to focus on the experience of children in everyday life and effectively use it from the point of view of children's moral growth [5].

Presents philosophical discussions concerning the moral relationship between a child and an adult, and their consequences for moral education. The author argues that children can easily meet the minimum standards of moral understanding and that «... moral upbringing should be characterized rather as a gradual understanding and sensitivity to regulatory requirements that are applied in various general contexts and spheres of human activity» [6].

In their study, scientists concluded that there is a growing number of evidence of the relationship between social cognition, culture, and children's solutions to everyday puzzles of social life, including the question of whether to engage in polite dishonesty [7]. Scientists in their cross-cultural study of the moral judgments of Han-Chinese, Chinese-Canadian, and Euro-Canadian children, concluded their differences against the background of cultural restrictions and acculturation factors concerning modesty and self-improvement [7].

The authors point out that moral education is seen when making the ethical perspective of the subject-the person being brought up-more structured, more noticeable. They also answer the questions: why and how moral examples and «pushing» strategies are crucial helpers in this regard [8].

The authors presented studies on how the impact of mass media affects aspects of the moral development of children and adolescents and how important it is to understand the significance of the moral model, based on the consequences of this impact [9].

The analysis and generalization of the research of domestic scientists and scientists from neighboring countries on the relevance of the formation of the moral culture of preschoolers, taking into account the main trends in the development of society, allowed us to identify the main angles: the conceptual foundations of the modernization of public consciousness [2]; tolerance as a component of the moral culture of preschool children [10]; «Spiritual rebirth» - the basis of spiritual and moral education of the individual [11]. With all the variety of these perspectives, we are close to the opinion who believe that the formation of moral culture continues throughout a person's life, representing its highest goal and ideal [12].

Real practical tasks of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness should be reflected in the content of training and education of preschool organizations, in particular, in the possible introduction of technology for forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children. There is a problem with substantiation and approbation of the technology of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

The purpose of the article is to identify the possibility of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness through the introduction of the proposed pedagogical technology.

Materials and Methods

The methodological basis of this research is systematic, cultural, cultural-historical, informational approaches, since relying on them allowed us to develop pedagogical technology and organize activities to form the foundations of moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

The structural components of moral culture (MC) determined the choice of the main methods for the empirical stage of the study:

  1. Interest in the signs of MC: satisfaction, simplicity, economy, frugality – observation, methodology «Subject pictures», methodology «Finish the story».
  2. The need for interaction through the signs of MC - observation, conversation.
  3. Knowledge of the essence of the signs of MC - methodology «Conversation».
  4. Knowledge of the manifestations of MC - methodology «What am I».
  5. Ability to recognize MC in its manifestations - methodology «Share the toys», observing the implementation of creative tasks.
  6. Manifestation of signs of MC in the context of spiritual modernization (through actions, deeds) - methodology «Let's do it together».
  7. Striving for introspection, self-esteem, self-correction signs of MC - methodology «What is a child in relationships with people around?»

During the implementation of the theoretical stage, the analysis and generalization of scientific research method was employed on the problem of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness. The implementation of the pedagogical experiment was the essence of the practical stage of the research.

Results and Discussion

Taking into account the existing potential of scientific approaches, we define the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness as an active position of the child's personality, which allows not only to know about the essence of the signs of this type of culture but also to possess techniques, methods of their manifestations, to give them a conscious assessment, manifested in motivational-personal, content, behavioral, reflexive components. The motivational-personal component of moral culture consists in the characteristic of the personal orientation of children to the formation of signs of moral culture, which is expressed in the interest in the signs of moral culture: satisfaction, simplicity, economy, thrift; the need for interaction through the signs of moral culture. The content component of moral culture is determined by the quantity and quality of the necessary knowledge, namely: knowledge of the meaning of the signs of moral culture and the essence of their manifestations, and in particular: knowledge of the essence of the signs of moral culture, knowledge of the manifestations of moral culture. The behavioral component of the culture of the studied type is characterized by the possession of techniques and methods of moral culture in the conditions of spiritual modernization: the ability to recognize moral culture in its manifestations, the manifestation of signs of moral culture in the conditions of spiritual modernization (through actions, deeds). The reflexive component of moral culture consists in the manifestation of self-analysis, self-assessment, and self-correction actions on the part of children.

By the formation of the foundations of the moral culture of children, we understand the impact of teachers in the educational process of preschool organizations on the motivational, personal, content, behavioral, reflexive components of the culture of the type under study, the result of which is a child's personality that has qualities that characterize it as moral and cultural in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

Modern pedagogy understands pedagogical technology as a consistent system of actions of a teacher, a consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed pedagogical process. The designed system of actions of the teacher in the organization of forms of education and upbringing, the application of methods of teaching and upbringing, means of teaching and upbringing, in which the orientation to the actions of the children themselves with a pre-planned result is carried out, is the essence of its technology for the formation of the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

The system of actions of the teacher is developed for a specific pedagogical plan. The main idea of the technology of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschoolers is the formation of all its components: motivational -вкpersonal, meaningful, behavioral, reflexive. The pedagogical plan is based on the implementation of general didactic principles and the corresponding functions of the teacher. Based on the didactic principles and supplementing them with new content following the subject of our research, we have determined the following principles of the technology of forming the foundations of the culture of the type under study: systematicity and sequences, taking into account age characteristics, personality, blockiness.

1. The principle of systematicity and sequences (assumes the logical construction of the pedagogical process of forming the moral culture of preschool children). The technology of designing the pedagogical process for the formation of the foundations of moral culture in preschool children in the conditions of the MPC is the development and implementation:

  • for teachers,
  • for parents,
  • for children.

2. The principle of taking into account age characteristics (aimed at creating a pedagogical process of forming the foundations of moral culture of preschool children, taking into account the age characteristics of children and a differentiated choice on this basis of methods, means, and forms of education and upbringing). The principle of taking into account age characteristics allows us to determine that the psychological characteristics of preschool children «make» them the most sensitive for the formation of the foundations of moral culture in the conditions of MPC.

3. The principle of personality (ensures that the individual characteristics of children are taken into account in the process of forming the foundations of moral culture). An individual approach to each child was one of the main processes of technology development. The principle of individualization provides that each child is considered from the

position of an individual who has the right and freedom to a personal opinion, or belief concerning issues of moral culture.

At the same time, if some children have negative trends in the process of forming a culture of the quality being studied, then the teacher from the position of individualization needs to apply individual forms of education and upbringing.

4. The principle of blockiness (involves the separation of the material into blocks). Thus, in the holistic pedagogical process, there is a need for blocks for teachers, parents, and preschool children.

If the pedagogical technology - is the implementation of pre-designed actions of the teacher, then, undoubtedly, when designing it, the teacher also performs several functions: constructive, organizational, analytical, and corrective.

Block - working with teachers

Under the moral culture of a teacher, we understand his professional qualities, which are characterized by high moral potential, understanding of the uniqueness (individuality) of children's self-development, the development of a sense of empathy, the ability to ensure conflict-free interaction of all participants in the educational process. These parameters are involved in the formation of the humanitarian (general) culture of the teacher as a set of personal and professional qualities, as well as values, orientations, and skills. Moral culture - is a professionally necessary personal quality of a teacher, dictated by the tasks, content, and nature of his activity.

The study of the practical activities of teachers of preschool organizations with the help of observation and questionnaires showed general shortcomings concerning the issues of knowledge and skills possession with the signs of MC in the conditions of the MPC (the problem of MC is obvious, but teachers do not understand its significance; they understand the problems of the formation of MC in the conditions of the MPC but are not prepared to provide qualified assistance). In this regard, a special course «Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children». The special course includes the following topics:

  • The essence and meaning of the concepts of «morality», and «culture».
  • Categories and types of moral culture.
  • The main socio-cultural conditions ensure the formation of moral culture.
  • The concept and features of moral culture in the context of the MPC.
  • Conditions, principles, and functions of interaction between the preschool organization and the family.
  • The moral culture of parents and teachers in the context of the MPC.
  • Senior preschool age as a sensitive period in the formation of moral culture.
  • Methods and means of forming the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of MPC.
  • The value of pedagogical diagnostics in the process of forming the signs of the moral culture of older preschool children in the conditions of MPC.

The aim of the course: based on an in-depth consideration of the concepts of «morality», «culture, to clarify the knowledge of teachers about the essence and features of moral culture in the conditions of the MPC, to teach them methods and techniques for forming the foundations of moral culture of older preschool children in the conditions of the MPC, as well as methods for diagnosing its formation.

The purpose of the master class was to demonstrate methods, techniques, and means of teaching and educating preschool children about the signs of a non-religious culture in the conditions of the MPC.

The purpose of the workshop was to teach teachers, using a wide range of pedagogical technologies, to select the most appropriate ones according to the goals of teaching and educating the basics of moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of the MPC.

As a means of teaching and upbringing, it was envisaged to use the information and methodological complex: a textbook «Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education and upbringing», electronic textbooks «Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education and upbringing», «Fundamentals of the formation of children's moral culture in the system of interaction between kindergarten and family in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness».

The final certification for teachers assumed: compilation of a dictionary of pedagogical terms on the topic «Moral culture, its signs in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness», development of an integrated lesson plan «Positive-pragmatic moral culture», a compilation of a collection of folk proverbs, sayings, sayings of famous people, reflecting the signs of moral culture in the conditions of the MPC, creation of an action plan «Signs of a pragmatic moral culture: economy, simplicity, satisfaction, accuracy, thrift», writing an essay on the signs of moral culture in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

Block-working with parents

To ensure and improve the psychological and pedagogical education of parents, their awareness of the need for continuity of work between the preschool organization and the family in the formation of signs of the moral culture of children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, various forms of work were conducted with them: a workshop «Encouragement and punishment of children in the family»; parents meeting «The role of the family in the formation of the moral culture of children»; individual and group counseling.

The purpose of the workshop was to improve the pedagogical culture of parents by acquiring knowledge about methods and means of forming the moral culture of children; identifying mistakes in encouraging and punishing children, finding the most favorable forms of interaction with the child, sharing experiences in raising children in the family.

The purpose of the parent's meeting is to activate and enrich the educational activities of parents in the formation of the foundations of the moral culture of children in the conditions of MPC. Parents were particularly interested in watching a video recording of a teacher's conversation with children about the family. Many parents are faced with the fact that the child speaks out about the lack of attention and communication on the part of parents. This technique served as an occasion for parents to reconsider their attitude to the upbringing of a child in the family as a whole, and, in particular, the upbringing of moral principles. At the end of the meeting, the parents got acquainted with the methodological literature.

The final certification for parents assumed: a selection of folk proverbs, sayings, sayings of famous people that reflect the signs of moral culture in the conditions of the MPC, writing an essay on the signs of MC in the conditions of the MPC. Suggested topics for the essay: «Child-parent relationships as a way of forming signs of the moral culture of children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness», «The moral culture of parents as a condition for the successful upbringing of children of the future» and others.

As previously noted, the main idea of the technology of forming the foundations of moral culture is the formation of all its components: motivational-personal, meaningful, behavioral, reflexive.

Block working with children

The formative influence on the motivational-personal component of moral culture was carried out through the development and implementation of the program of the variable component «Formation of the foundations of moral culture».

The purpose of the program: the formation of the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.

Tasks: - to form ideas among preschoolers about the basics of moral culture;  to arouse interest in the signs of MC: satisfaction, simplicity, economy, thrift; - to form the need for interaction through the signs of MC.

The formative influence on the content component of the moral culture of preschoolers was carried out by using the audiobook «About moral culture». Its main purpose was: to give knowledge about the essence of the signs of moral culture, and knowledge about its manifestations. Proverbs, sayings, and fairy tales with elements of moral culture in the conditions of the MPC formed the essence of this book.

The formative influence on the behavioral component of the moral culture of preschoolers was realized based on the use of the didactic game «Home Comfort». The purpose of the game was to teach the ability to recognize moral culture in its manifestations; through actions, actions, to demonstrate the manifestation of signs of moral culture in the conditions of spiritual modernization. In particular, through the game, we educate children about a careful, economical attitude to electricity and drinking water, accuracy through placing objects in their trays, etc.

The formative influence on the reflexive component of the moral culture of preschool children through the use of a collection of proverbs, sayings, wise statements, and fairy tales «Cultural values». This process was aimed at actualizing the desire of children for self-analysis, self-assessment, and self-correction of signs of moral culture.

In the implementation of this block were used traditional (verbal, visual, practical) and active teaching methods (interactive, problem-based learning methods); methods of education (formation of consciousness, formation of behavior, formation of feelings and relationships).

Thus, the proposed technology is a system of aggregates: principles, functions, forms, methods, means of teaching, and upbringing, the implementation of which provides an effective formative effect on all components of the moral culture of preschoolers, resulting in its formation.

The materials of the study were: the state mandatory standard of education at all levels of education, standard curricula, working curricula, the content of the variable part of the working curriculum, the perspective-thematic plan, and educational programs.

Determining the core characteristics of the moral culture of preschool children (MCPC) allowed us to develop its criteria and indicators. The set of these criteria and indicators is presented as a system of meters of the formation of the MCPC. The proposed system allows not only to predict the expected result, but also to measure it as indicated in (Table 1).



Table 1. The system of measuring the foundations of the moral culture of children in the context of the modernization of public consciousness



Characteristics of levels




Motivational - personal

Interest in the signs of MC: satisfaction, simplicity, economy, frugality

Sustained interest and satisfaction

Irregular interest, partial satisfaction

There is no interest and satisfaction

The need for interaction through the signs of MC

A pronounced need for interaction through the signs of MC

An unstable need for interaction through the signs of MC

The need for interaction through the signs of MC


Knowledge of the essence of the signs of MC

Systemic knowledge about the essence of MC signs

Fragmentary knowledge about the essence of MC signs

General understanding of the essence of MC signs

Knowledge of the manifestations of MC

Systemic knowledge about the manifestations of MC

Fragmentary knowledge about the manifestations of MC

General understanding of the manifestations of MC


Ability to recognize MC in its manifestations

Formed the ability to recognize MC in its manifestations

The ability to recognize MC in its manifestations is not sufficiently formed

The ability to recognize MC in its manifestations is not formed

Manifestation of signs of MC in the context of spiritual modernization (through actions, deeds)

Through actions and deeds, constant manifestation signs of MC

Through actions and deeds, not a constant manifestation sign of MC

Absence through actions and deeds of manifestations signs of MC


Striving for introspection, self-esteem, self-correction signs of MC

Stable striving for introspection, self-esteem, self-correction signs of MC

Irregular pursuit of introspection, self-esteem, self-correction signs of MC

There is no desire for introspection, self-esteem, self-correction signs of MC



The analysis of the characteristics included in the composition of each of the criteria, as well as the indicators of the formation of MCPC, and their qualitative and quantitative manifestation, allowed us to distinguish three levels: high, medium, and low.

The formation of signs of moral culture in the conditions of the MPC was studied in children of senior preschool based on organizations: the pre-school training class of the kindergartens in the cities of Karaganda and Balkhash The experiment involved 126 children of the control group and 120 of the experimental group. The purpose of the pedagogical experiment was to confirm the hypothesis of our research, namely: if we theoretically substantiate, develop and implement pedagogical technology for the formation of the foundations of moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, this will generally affect the effectiveness of their pragmatic development, since the subjects of the educational process will acquire appropriate values, knowledge, and skills for their application in a spiritually updated society.

The study to verify the effectiveness of the pedagogical technology in the formation of the MCPC in educational organizations was carried out in three stages: ascertaining, forming, and control.

Pedagogical diagnostics for determining the initial levels of formation of the MCPC in the conditions of the MPC (the ascertaining stage) is presented by a set of methods. The initial level of formation of the culture of the studied type consisted of a generalization of component-by-component results: motivational, personal, cognitive, behavioral and reflexive, which are provided in (Table 1), (Figure 1).



Table 2. The level of formation of the components of the moral culture of preschool children (the ascertaining stage)

















































Figure 1. The level of formation of the components of the moral culture of preschool children (the ascertaining stage)

The average indicator of the results of the ascertaining stage by the levels of formation of the components of the MCPC is in (Table 3).

Table 3. The average indicator of the results by the levels of formation of the components of the moral culture of preschool children (the ascertaining stage)














The results of the ascertaining stage indicate that the level of formation of the components of the MCPC of most children can be characterized as low, only a small part of preschool children are at a medium and high level of formation, this indicates that the MCPC is not purposefully formed.

To determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical technology, a control stage was carried out, which made it possible to identify changes in the levels of formation of the components of the MCPC in (Table 4), (Figure 2).



Table 4. The level of formation of the components of the moral culture of preschool children (control stage)















































Figure 2. The level of formation of the components of the moral culture of preschool children (control stage)

The results presented in the table indicate that there was a positive trend in each component of the MCPC. Thus, the data of all diagnostic methods state that 35 children in the experimental group have a high level of MC formation, 60 children have a medium level and 25 children have a low level; while in the control group respectively, 18 children have a high level, 31 children have an average level, and 77 children have a low level.

The average indicator of the quantitative results of the control stage by the levels of formation of the components of the MCPC is in Table 5.


Table 5. The average indicator of the level of formation of moral culture of preschool children (control stage)














The results of the control stage demonstrate an increase in the overall level of formation of the MCPC therefore, they convince us of the effectiveness of the pedagogical technology developed by us for the formation of the culture of the type under study, tested in the process of working with children of the experimental group. According to the results of the comparative analysis, the children of the experimental group showed positive dynamics in the levels of MC formation.

The results of the experimental work confirmed the reliability and prospects of the developed pedagogical technology for the formation of the basics of the MCPC in the conditions of the MPC since on average the level of competence formation of the studied type in the experimental group increased by 27.8% compared to the control group; as well as the validity of the hypothesis put forward.

Thus, the results obtained at the end of the experimental work give grounds to assert that the pedagogical technology developed by us ensures the successful formation of the foundations of the MCPC in the conditions of the MPC.


The results of the theoretical analysis and generalization of the existing scientific experience, experimental work on the approbation of the pedagogical technology for the formation of moral culture in preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Modernization is a significant characteristic of the modern era, the era of state development.
  2. Based on the fact that moral culture is a socio-cultural phenomenon that unites people, contributes to the preservation of their life and health, is optimal for the development of their personality, and is evaluated by them as the most preferable and worthy way to achieve their life goals, it becomes important to form moral qualities - the personality qualities of individuals, without which they cannot realize the requirements of moral principles and receive a high moral assessment of their behavior by others.
  3. In the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, the relevant signs of moral culture are simplicity, careful attitude to one's own and public property, economy, satisfactory attitude, and accuracy.
  4. The educational process of preschool organizations in combination with the sensitivity of preschool age, namely: the social situation of development; the leading type of activity; the need to see natural relationships, the emergence of primary ethical instances, subordination of motives, the development of arbitrary behavior and personal consciousness act as a favorable platform for the formation of the foundations of moral culture in children in the conditions of spiritual renewal of public consciousness.
  5. Taking into account the existing potential of scientific approaches, we define the essence of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness as an active position of the child's personality, which allows her not only to know about the essence of the signs of this type of culture but also to possess techniques, methods of their manifestations, to give them a conscious assessment, manifested in motivational-personal, content, behavioral, reflexive components.
  6. The technology of forming the foundations of moral culture in preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness is a designed system of actions of a teacher in the organization of forms of education and upbringing, the use of teaching and upbringing methods, teaching and upbringing tools, in which the orientation is carried out on the actions of children themselves with a pre-planned result.
  7. The implementation of the technology of forming the moral culture of children is determined by the performance of the teacher's functions: constructive, organizational, analytical, and corrective.
  8. The technology of forming the foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness consists of purposeful influence (blocks – work with teachers, work with parents, work with children), which together determine the result: the formed foundations of the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness.
  9. The results of the experimental work allowed us to confirm the reliability of the developed pedagogical technology for forming the foundations of moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, thereby confirming the validity of the hypothesis of our study.

The results obtained allow us to conclude that when forming the moral culture of preschool children in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, it is necessary to take into account that moral culture is a kind of culture as such, and when forming it in the system of preschool education, use not only the existing arsenal of forms and methods of teaching but also include new ones that are adequate to the purposes.

Acknowledgments: None

Conflict of interest: None

Financial support: None

Ethics statement: None


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