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Techniques for solubility enhancement of Hydrophobic drugs: A Review

Sheetal Z Godse, Mohini S Patil, Swapnil M Kothavade, R. B. Saudagar


During drug discovery and development, these is estimated 40% to 70% of incidence of delay or failure for new chemical entities and major reason behind it is poor biopharmaceutical properties of the drug such as poor solubility, poor permeability and poor chemical stability . The Therapeutic effectiveness of the formulation depends on how efficiently drug is available at the site of action that is depends on the bioavailability of the drug and for good bioavailability drug must have a good aqueous solubility. For poorly soluble drug especially in case of oral formulation solubility is a critical parameter, currently number of solubility enhancement technology may provide answer for it. There are different techniques for solubility improvement that can include in to physical modification, chemical modifications of the drug substance, and other miscellaneous techniques. Most of the drug discovered are lipophilic and have poor aqueous solubility (BCS class 2) so; in this review various solubility enhancement techniques are highlighted.

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