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Supply Chain of Laminaria Herbal Substances for the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Russian Federation

T.M. Litvinova, I.U. Glazkova, A.A. Sinitsyna, D.A. Ermakov, G.V. Nesterov


This study examined the supply chain of kelp thallus medicinal herbal substance for the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation (from Arkhangelsk and Sakhalin), as well as the territory of China. Based on the systemic research method and the information and analytical method, various block diagrams of supply chains of kelp thallus herbal substances were developed and proposed for industrial use, considering the relevant risks. The authors have considered the existing routes for the delivery of raw materials through both the territory of Russia and China and analyzed delivery by various types of transport. Based on the data obtained, it was revealed that various types of transport such as rail, road, sea, and air transports can be used to deliver raw materials. The authors analyzed the shares of different types of transport in cargo transportation from China to the Russian Federation. The optimal way to deliver sugar kelp to the production plants located in Arkhangelsk, Moscow is rail transportation. Considering the unloading of the train and delivery to the manufacturer's warehouse, delivery takes no more than a day. In the case of delivery from Sakhalin, the goods have to be transported by expensive air transport. Although the delivery of kelp thallus raw materials from China takes relatively longer in the case of using air transport or is more expensive in the case of rail transport, in less than a year, kelp raw materials with a total value of $16.7 million were imported from China. In 2018, the share of China's imports amounted to 57.7%, and the growth in the value of exports amounted to 27%.

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