Study of the subacute toxicity of a fungicide on rabbits
The present study relates to the evaluation of the subacute toxicity of a pesticide widely used in agriculture in the Batna region on a few parameters related to liver and thyroid functions in domestic rabbits. Our experimental study was performed on 12 mature male rabbits of the genus Cuniculus lepus, which were divided into 2 groups (n = 6): a control group (G1) and a treated group (G2) with Rivanebe®80 orally for 15 days. Analysis of the results obtained has shown that treatment with Rivanebe®80 causes harmful effects on the organism, resulting in a significant increase in body mass and consumption of food by treated animals, compared to the control group. In addition, a hepatotoxic effect by a significant increase in the mass of liver and biochemical parameters was reported including hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and an increase in bilirubin and transaminases. Finally, a disturbance of the thyroid function or a significant decrease of the thyroxin plasma levels was also reported.
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