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Study of social and Epidemiological Indicators of tuberculosis in the European region

Iuliia V. Korzh, Tatyana A. Romanko, Irina V. Zhirova, Maryna V. Podgaina, Lubov V. Tereschenko, Svetlana G. Kalaycheva


The paper analyzes the social and epidemiological indicators of morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis (TB) in the countries of the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO). It has been established that among European countries the highest morbidity and mortality rates are inherent in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), 70.6 and 11.2 cases per 100,000 populations respectively. The growth rates of the reduction in morbidity and mortality rates are not intensive enough - 95.42% and 92.17%, respectively. The mortality rate relative to the highest incidence of -15.86%, also belongs to the group of CIS countries. The main factors affecting the high mortality rate of TB in the CIS countries have been highlighted in the article. A study of groups of countries of the CIS according to the WHO graduation indicates that the treatment success rate (mortality rate) does not depend on the incidence rate indicator. It has been established that the rate of decline in morbidity and mortality in the CIS countries does not correspond to the WHO concept of TB control.

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