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Studies on extraction and HPLC Analysis of Azadirachtin from Kernels of Neem Seeds

Supriya Dubhashi, V. Pranay, M. Singaiah, J. Satwik, Dr. V. V. L. N Prasad, Dr. Prakash V Diwan


The neem tree has been known for its unique properties in improving the human health and it also acts as an antiseptic agent. Among the various limonoid components of the neem, Azadirachtin is the most important component which has many anti infective and anti microbial properties. Azadirachtin is a tri terpenoid limonoid obtained from various parts of the neem. Azadirachtin is extracted from the dried neem kernel powder using Di-Chloro methane as solvent. The UV absorbance of Azadirachtin was found to be 220nm. The qualitative analysis of Azadirachtin was carried out by HPLC, on a C-18 column at a flow rate of 1ml/min, using Aceto nitryl: Methanol: 1% Triethyl amine pH 4 (60:40:1) as mobile phase at 210nm. The TLC, UV and HPLC reports indicate the isolation of Azadirachtin from the seed kernel powder of the neem.

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