Standardization and Evaluation of Formulation Parameters of Tinospora Cordifolia Tablet
Tinospora cordifolia a medicinal herb used in the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine due to their health benefits.The aim of the present work is based on the standardization, Physiochemical & Phytochemical investigation including finger print analysis by HPTLC studies. The study also includes formulation and evaluation of solid oral dosage form (tablet) from plant extract. Several improved preformulation and formulation parameters had been studied for the standardization of solid oral dosage form of tablet in order to enhance its therapeutic efficacy. Besides this antioxidant activity of the prepared formulation was evaluated by DPPH free radical scavenging method and was found to be 59μg/ml followed by estimation of total flavonol and total phenolic content i.e 29.01mg/gm and 8.12 mg/gm of a sample respectively. Antibacterial activity of the prepared formulation was also evaluated by paper disc diffusion method. Quantification of tablet were done by HPLC method and total berberin content in 500mg of tablet was found to be 218ppm.
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