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Sleep deprivation effect on concentration of some reproductive hormones in healthy men and women volunteers

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The research aimed to explore the impact of sleep deprivation on some hematological parameters and concentration of some reproductive hormones in the serum of men and women volunteers. The study included 50 men and 50 women adult healthy volunteers aged between 20 to 45 years old suffering from sleep deprivation. Five ml of blood gathered from a cubical vein at 3-4 p.m. One ml was kept in EDTA tube for complete blood count test by Saw lab, while four ml in Jell tubes for separation of serum by centrifuge and kept in Eppendorf tubes at deep freeze till detection of hormones FSH, LH, testosterone and prolactin by VIDAS depending on enzyme-linked fluorescent assay. The results of the experiment recorded a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the concentration of Hb and % PCV and increase in MCV level in sleep-deprived men. While there was remarkable decline (P<0.05) in the level of LH and no significant alterations in testosterone hormone in sleep-deprived men, but significant increment (P<0.01) in the concentration of prolactin. On other hand sleep-deprived women recorded significant decline (P<0.05) in the concentration of prolactin and non-significant alterations (P>0.05) in other studied hormones. So we concluded that sleep deprivation have negative effects on some blood parameters and some reproductive hormones that may impact the health and fertility of individuals.

How to cite this article:
Attia DA, Al-kadhi NA, Saeed IAHM, Abass KS. Sleep deprivation effect on concentration of some reproductive hormones in healthy men and women volunteers. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(1):156-60. https://doi.org/10.51847/Glckp1ltAa
Attia, D. A., Al-kadhi, N. A., Saeed, I. A. H. M., & Abass, K. S. (2021). Sleep deprivation effect on concentration of some reproductive hormones in healthy men and women volunteers. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(1), 156-160. https://doi.org/10.51847/Glckp1ltAa
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