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Occurrence of tooth wear in controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients - An observational study

Archana Venugopal, T. N. Uma Maheswari


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Tooth wear has been established to be related to diabetes due to unknown reasons. The current study probes into the difference in tooth wear among controlled and uncontrolled diabetes. Fifty patients visiting the hematology department were grouped into Group A (controlled diabetes) and Group B (uncontrolled diabetes) depending on their random blood sugar (RBS) level. They were subjected to examination, and Ganss tooth wear index was taken. The obtained blood sugar level and tooth wear index were analyzed statistically. Tooth wear was more common in male patients when compared to female patients. Tooth wear was more intense in uncontrolled diabetic patients when compared to controlled diabetic patients; however, it was not statistically significant. There is no relationship between the RBS and the tooth wear in diabetic patients. It is essential to prevent the complications of tooth wear at an early stage of detection in diabetic patients.

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