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Obesity: An Introduction and Evaluation

Paras Gupta, Sandeep Tyagi, Minky Mukhija, Arminder Singh Saini, Rohit Goyal, Pyare Lal Sharma


Obesity is a pathological condition in with excess body fat. It is a chronic disorder with complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. It is being characterized by high cholesterol, fatty acid levels, Insulin desensitization; high blood pressure; and excessive adipose mass accumulation. Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese. It is defined by body mass index and further evaluated by both percentage body fat and total body fat. Obesity is a risk to many secondary conditions like cardiovascular disorder, insulin pathological resistance, retinopathy, neuropathy and cancer. Various factors modulating the development of obesity are age, sex, smoking, growth hormone level, skeletal muscle metabolism. Experimental models used to evaluate obesity are high fat diet, high cafeteria diet, hypothalamic lesions, goldthioglucose induced obesity, monosodium glutamate induced obesity. Non-human primates, Spontaneously obese rats, Obesity due to natural allele defects in mice, V-Genetic variants in the human Uncoupled Protein-1 gene and Viral induce obesity are also preferred.

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