MED-PDB: An online database of medicinal plants
Medicinal plants have been anticipated to be one of the most valuable resources in therapeutic practices for human diseases. A range of plants in the form of herbal medications have been publicized to be therapeutically significant in a large number of diseases, counting cancers, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, epidermal infections, dermatological disorders, etc. WHO also claims that medicinal plants are extremely important for the population of developing countries. Plant extracts have been used in raw, crude as well as processed form. Despite the clear evidence of the medicinal usage of plants, there is no such central repository that houses all the medicinal plants and their usage. To fill this void, the present study aims to compile and curate the medicinal plants with their medicinal values from the published literature. The present database host information on 147 plants species, 53 plant families & subfamilies, 435 types of diseases, 369 types of active compound and covers worldwide geographical distribution. The database has been made freely available online at the URL We believe that the present database may help in pharmacological and clinical exploration of plant species revealing the subsequent role of active compounds in various human diseases.
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