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Measurement of knowledge risk factors of Lung Cancer disease in ‎salted-fish-traders at Pangandaran Indonesia

Ia Nurmayanti, Ajeng Diantini, Tiana Milanda‎‎


A study was conducted on measuring knowledge of risk factors for lung cancer disease in the community with traditional salted fish traders in Pangandaran village in the framework of community service performed in September 2017. The method used was a cross-sectional study. In this case, we were able to see the relationship of several independent variables consisting of socio-demography factor, environment, and dependent variable: lung cancer risk factor. The confounding variable is promotion and policy. Respondents consisted of 25 people answered questionnaires which amounted to 50 questions. The result of this study can be seen in the correlation between Promotion Factor and Policy with Environmental Factor including a strong association degree category with 10,048 counts and a p-value equal to 0,040. The result of statistical test shows that p-value (0,040) <0,05. However, there is no correlation between the risk factor and socio-demographic factor with count value 3,690 and the p-value equal to 0,450. Result of statistic test show that p-value (0,450)> 0,05. There is no correlation between Risk Factor and Environmental Level, the calculate value is 9,649 and the p-value is 0,047. The result of the statistical test shows that the p-value (0,047)> ‎‎0,05. The conclusion from this study is lung cancer risk factors have no related to socio-demographic factors and environmental factors.

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