Learning difficulties facing individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: pharmacy students’ experience
Learning performance among patients with multiple sclerosis is one of the growing areas of research interest. The present study used the MSQOL-54 measure to examine data obtained from college students studying pharmacy. The collected data were meant to increase pharmacy students’ awareness of the learning difficulties experienced by MS patients. The data consisted of 2nd- to 6th-year students of the college. The findings showed that the study year had no significant relationship with the knowledge level, Х2= 12.69, p > 0.05. However, the year of study had a significant relationship with awareness about learning difficulties, Х2 = 17.61, p < 0.05. In total, 52.83% of students in the 2nd year of study were not aware of the learning difficulties of MS patients and 51.72% of the third-year students were aware of the learning difficulties. The percentage increased to 85.71% among the 4th-year students. After 4th-year, the percentage of students who were aware of learning difficulties seemed to decrease (82% in the 5th-year and 68% in the 6th-year students). These findings showed that students tend to forget what they have learned. Further studies need to be carried out to examine strategies for enhancing the information of students regarding the MS students.
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