Knowledge, attitude, and practice survey on management of dental traumatic injuries among dental practitioners
Dental trauma occurs frequently in children and young adults; the emergency care and primary management of such conditions have a significant impact on the vitality and survival of the tooth. As most of the emergency treatment is provided by general dental practitioners, it is important for them to have an adequate level of awareness about the management of traumatic dental injuries. The objective of this survey was assess the level of awareness and current state of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of management of dental traumatic injuries among general dental practitioners. The aim of this survey was to assess the KAP of management of dental traumatic injuries among general dental practitioners. A questionnaire containing 20 questions of which 7 questions were knowledge-based, 7 questions on attitude, and 6 questions on practical management of dental traumatic injuries were sent to 200 dental practitioners as online forms. 154 responses were recorded. The results suggested that about 90% of general practitioners had a good knowledge, attitude toward management of dental traumatic injuries. However, their practical application was relatively less. Based on this survey it was clear that majority of the general dental practitioners in Chennai had good knowledge, attitude and clinical practice toward management of traumatic dental injuries.
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