Interprofessional education program development in professional students at faculty of medicine, Lambung Mangkurat university
Background: Collaboration among professional students were not optimal and lack of inter-professional awards for them. Interprofessional Education (IPE) in the Faculty of Medicine “X” University has not developed yet. Objectives: This research aims to analyze the needs of the development of IPE programs of professional students of Faculty of Medicine “X” University. Methods: This research used explorative qualitative research to assess the needs of informants to the development of the IPE program. Analysis of research data used thematic analysis and data triangulation. The informants were 14 people consisting of 10 informants from the nurse and medical professional student and 4 informants from the clinical instructor of nurse and medical professional student. Results: This study found 4 themes, namely understanding the principles of IPE, how to implement IPE, the challenges of implementing IPE, efforts to overcome the IPE challenges. Conclusions: This study can develop an IPE program in order to achieve the learning objectives of the professional students of Faculty of Medicine “X” University.
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