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Genomic divergence of Hepatitis C virus towards common prescribed interferon regimens on sustained virologic response (SVR)

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Hepatitis C is one of the dangerous diseases which if left untreated can cause the loss of life. The study's main to detect HCV RNA in Hepatitis C patients using a real-time polymerase chain reaction to determine the genotype distribution pattern, and role of its genomic divergence toward commonly prescribed interferon regimens. A cross-sectional study with 980 patients was conducted in a tertiary care hospital were chosen and their blood samples were collected which was screened. Real-time PCR was used to quantify HCV-RNA in seropositive Hepatitis C patients, and genotyping for HCV was performed in HCV-RNA positive samples at Agha Khan laboratories, and in addition to this, the well-structured questionnaire was also distributed. From the total sample size (65.22) male patients were taken and 313(34.77%) were female patients. Generally, Peg-interferon treatment was used by 10% of clinicians with all HCV genotypes. 85.56% of Physicians prescribed conventional interferon, and to treat HCV-positive patients, 14.44 % were recommended peg-interferon in combined application with ribavirin. Peg-interferon was predominantly used in HCV-positive patients with genotypes 1a and 2a (55% and 37% respectively). Clinicians also used Peg-Interferon in certain cases (10%) among patients with genotype 3a. Genotype-3a is the predominant allele in the Bannu district, and Because resistant types necessarily involve the use of peg-interferon therapy, pre-treatment genotyping is critical in the selection of treatment schedule.

How to cite this article:
Eltayeb LB, Fallatah DI, Mangi AA. Genomic divergence of Hepatitis C virus towards common prescribed interferon regimens on sustained virologic response (SVR). J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2022;12(3):59-64. https://doi.org/10.51847/EJ82rOFBiq
Eltayeb, L. B., Fallatah, D. I., & Mangi, A. A. (2022). Genomic divergence of Hepatitis C virus towards common prescribed interferon regimens on sustained virologic response (SVR). Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 12(3), 59-64. https://doi.org/10.51847/EJ82rOFBiq
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