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Functional ranking of English in multilingual education in Kazakhstan (on the example of high school students)

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The implementation of multilingualism in present Kazakhstan is described by the diversification of English together with the knowledge of the native Kazakh and Russian languages. The policy of  Trilingualism endorses the reputation of the English language. The purpose of this study is to find the functional ranking and status of the English language in Kazakhstani's  trilingualism condition in  senior school students. Empirical methods of research, such as monitoring and questionnaire were used. Monitoring was conducted in grades 10-11. High school students show an increased rate of English language comprehension in their linguistic-communicative environment - 62.15%. The degree of language expertise ranges from A2 to C2 based on o the CEFR scale, the dominant level which is B2. The linguistic policy of trilingualism is supported by the majority of respondents - 83.6%. Language policy in Kazakhstan is validated by the pupil gettong to know English language and classically having level B1. continuous diversification of the English language inside and outside the study environment is estimated. In day-to-day verbal exchange, English is not considered as the yet lingua franca as a result of its status in Kazakhstan: English does not acquire the position of traditionally spoken language in Kazakhstan. Respondents understood the significance of learning English as a factor of personal and future professional growth.

How to cite this article:
Tuleubayeva S, Tleuzhanova G, Shunkeyeva S, Turkenova S, Mazhenova R. Functional ranking of English in multilingual education in Kazakhstan (on the example of high school students). J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(4):143-8. https://doi.org/10.51847/dwQur0yalt
Tuleubayeva, S., Tleuzhanova, G., Shunkeyeva, S., Turkenova, S., & Mazhenova, R. (2021). Functional ranking of English in multilingual education in Kazakhstan (on the example of high school students). Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(4), 143-148. https://doi.org/10.51847/dwQur0yalt
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