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Frequency of depression in patients with seizure referring to the Urmia neuromedical clinic

Arash Mosarrezaii, Katayun Kargar


Depression is a type of mental disorder being characterized by mood disorders; it is one of the most common disorders which usually concurs with other chronic diseases and is mostly observed in women, people living in poverty, and people with lower education. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of depression in patients with seizure in Urmia, Iran. This descriptive applied study was performed on 256 patients suffering from epilepsy. The demographic characteristics of the patients were collected by some questionnaires designed beforehand. Descriptive analytic methods were used to survey the demographic characteristics of the respondents, and the data was presented by the use of mean, standard deviation or percent. The results of this study showed that the prevalence of major depression in patients referring to the Urmia neuromedical Clinic was 2.9%. It was shown that there is a significant relationship between the level of education as well as the type of diet therapy and the simultaneous presence and severity of depression. There was also a significant relationship between the last seizure and depression; however, this relationship was not observed in terms of the severity of depression. Education can have a significant impact on the severity and prevalence of depression. In addition, the effect of the last seizure on the depression shows that better control of seizure attacks can have a significant effect on reducing the frequency of post-seizure depression in the society.

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