Focused extracorporeal versus Radial shock wave therapy in treatment of chronic lateral epicondylitis (randomized control trial)
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of FWST versus RSWT in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis. Material and Methods: A total of 60 subjects of both genders were sought to participate in the current study, 60 patients (44females and 16males) with chronic lateral epicondylitis were assigned randomly into three equal groups. These individuals were eligible. Group A included 20 patients who received FSWT plus the conventional physical therapy while group B included 20 patients who received RSWT plus the conventional physical therapy, and group C included 20 who received the conventional physical therapy only. The treatment with shock wave for group A & B was applied only one session in the alternative week for the maximum of 3-5 sessions, and the conventional physical therapy for all groups were 12 sessions which was done three sessions per week. The participants’ ages ranged from 30 to 60. They were recruited from the orthopedic outpatient clinics. The exclusive criteria were subjects who had other co morbidities which would affect the results. Results: The statistical analysis using 3x4 multivariate design MANOVA showed that no significant impacts were recorded for the experimental group on the pressure pain test, pain at work and handheld dynamometer. In addition, no significant impacts were recorded in the measuring time in the pressure pain test, pain at work and handheld dynamometer. Also, the correlation among the treated groups and assessing phases was statistically non-significant. This tested group (first independent variable) on the pressure pain test, pain at work and handheld dynamometer was not influenced by the measuring periods (second independent variable) (F=0.84, P=0.647). Conclusion: Finally, it was concluded that: Radial shock wave therapy (B) had only effects on pain more than Focused shock wave therapy (A) but Focused shock wave therapy (A) had effects on muscle function and inflammation and tendon changes more than Radial shock wave therapy (B).
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