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Evaluation of antioxidant and antipyretic effects of ethanolic extract of Cep-cepan leaves (Castanopsis costata (Blume) A.DC)

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Almost all current antipyretic drugs irreversibly inhibit COX-2 with high selectivity; hence, they are toxic to liver cells, glomeruli, brain cortex, and heart muscle. Meanwhile, natural COX-2 inhibitors have been widely reported to have relatively few side effects. The leaves of Cep-cepan (Castanopsis costata) are often used to treat fever, but no studies have confirmed this effect. This study aims to determine the antioxidant effects in the DPPH model, the antipyretic activity of EECC in peptone-induced fever rats, and the acute toxicity study. EECC was obtained by the maceration method using 70% ethanol as solvent, then it was tested for its antioxidant activity. The antipyretic activity was tested using peptone-induced fever rats. The male rats used were divided into six groups for each test. The individual group consisted of 4 rats, namely, negative and positive control treated with paracetamol 150 mg/kg, as well as EECC doses of 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg. An acute toxicity study was conducted at a single oral dose of 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 mg/kg for 14 days. EECC showed a maximum antioxidant activity of 91.95% at a concentration of 200 µg/mL with an IC50 value of 49.28 µg/ml. Meanwhile, the maximum antipyretic effect observed at a dose of 200 mg/kg was 90.50%. The response observed in paracetamol was 97.29%. No mortality or any significant signs of toxicity was recorded for acute toxicity. Based on the results, EECC has an antioxidant effect in DPPH as well as an antipyretic in a peptone-induced mouse model.

How to cite this article:
Alkandahri MY, Arfania M, Abriyani E, Ridwanuloh D, Farhamzah F, Fikayuniar L, et al. Evaluation of antioxidant and antipyretic effects of ethanolic extract of Cep-cepan leaves (Castanopsis costata (Blume) A.DC). J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2022;12(3):107-12. https://doi.org/10.51847/twcOIyzqTM
Alkandahri, M. Y., Arfania, M., Abriyani, E., Ridwanuloh, D., Farhamzah, F., Fikayuniar, L., Hasyim, D. M., Nurul, N., & Wardani, D. (2022). Evaluation of antioxidant and antipyretic effects of ethanolic extract of Cep-cepan leaves (Castanopsis costata (Blume) A.DC). Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 12(3), 107-112. https://doi.org/10.51847/twcOIyzqTM
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