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Evaluation of Anti-Asthmatic and Anti-Cholinergic activity of Ethanolic extract of Artocarpus Heterophyllus Linn Leaves

D. K. Vir


Asthma is a chronic disease that affects approximately 300 million people worldwide. Although wide range of drug is available, the relief is mainly symptomatic and short lived. Heterophyllus Linn leaves (Moraceae), also known as jack fruit (English), is traditionally used to treat asthma. However, the scientific data on anti-asthmatic and anti- Cholinergic of this plant has got little attention. An attempt has been based on ethanolic extract of leaves of A. Heterophyllus linn shown a tremendous effect on asthma when comparative study was done with normal and treated group. The anti-asthmatic activity of a 50% aqueous ethanol extract of dried and fresh leaves, and the volatile and fixed oils of A. Heterophyllus was evaluated against histamine and acetylcholine-induced pre-convulsive dyspnea (PCD) in guinea pigs fasted for 24 h were exposed to an atomized fine mist of 2% histamine dihydrochloride aerosol (dissolved in normal saline) using nebulizer at a pressure of 300 mm Hg in the histamine chamber (24 x 14 x 24 cm, made of perplex glass). Guinea pigs exposed to histamine aerosol showed progressive signs of difficulty in breathing leading to convulsions, asphyxia and death. The time until signs of convulsion appeared is called pre-convulsion time (PCD). By observation experience was gained so that the preconvulsion time can be judged accurately. As soon as PCD commenced, animals were removed from the chamber and placed in fresh air to recover. In the present experiments the criterion used was time for onset of dysponea and percent protection was calculated. Those animals which developed typical histamine asthma within 3 min were selected out three days prior to the experiment and were given habituation practice to restrain them in the histamine chamber. They were divided in groups Mepyramine (8 mg/kg) and polyherbal formulation (300 mg/kg) were administered intraperitonially 30 min prior to exposure. Animals, which did not develop typical asthma within 6 minutes, were taken as protected.

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