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Evaluate and assess the receptiveness, efficacy, and behavioral motivation of patients toward following oral hygiene instructions and the effect of different modes of these instructions: Knowledge, attitude, and practices survey

Avinash Kavarthapu, M. Sankari


The purpose of the study was to evaluate and assess the receptiveness, efficacy, and behavioral motivation of the patients toward following the oral hygiene instructions and the effect of different modes of these instructions. An experimental questionnaire-based study which was given as handouts to the patients and was asked to fill in the questionnaire was carried out in a total sample size of n = 146 patients (statistical power of 95%) and was estimated using a manual sample size calculation, but a total of 153 patients has participated in the study visiting the Department of Periodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai. Among the total subjects, 65 are diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and remaining 88 patients with gingivitis. The study group is divided into two groups as professionals and non-professionals based on the education above and below secondary school level, respectively. Statistical tests that were used are frequency analysis and Chi-square test. All subjects showed poor oral hygiene in the beginning of the study. There was a significant improvement in the maintenance of oral hygiene among both professional and non-professional qualified subjects from the first visit and the successive visit. The result also showed significant improvement in the oral hygiene in patients who received instructions through video and manual demonstration. The present study shows that there is a lack in oral health awareness among both professionals and non-professionals. Hence, every dentist should take and initiative in educating about maintaining oral health by modifying the attitude, receptiveness, and behavior toward following the oral hygiene instructions.

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