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Effects of slim-quick and FAT STOP on Leptin and Cholecystokinin in Rats

Nazanin Shafiei Jahromi


Introduction: Orlistat or FAT STOP is one of the pharmaceutical drugs and Slim- Quick is one of the most common herbal medicines that are used to treat obesity and overweight. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Slim-Quick and Fat-Stop and compare these two drugs in serum concentrations of leptin hormones, cholecystokinin, and body weight changes in adult female rats. Method: In this experimental study, 32 adult female Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups that each of them consisted of 8 rats, and these groups were: control, 200 mg/kg Slim-Quick, 200 mg/kg FAT STOP, and Slim-quick and FAT STOP (each of them with a dosage of 200 mg/kg). Slim-Quick and Fat-Stop were fed to animals by means of gavage. On the 29th day after the start of the experiment and after weighing the animals, blood samples were taken from the heart and serum concentrations of cholecystokinin and leptin hormones were measured. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan’s test at a significant level of p≤0.05. Findings: By comparing the group receiving fat-stop with the slim-quick recipient group, it was found that slim-quick increases serum levels of both leptin and cholecystokinin hormones. While fat stop only affects the serum concentration of cholecystokinin hormone. Conclusion: Simultaneous application of Slim-Quick and Fat Stop reduces body weight by increasing serum levels of appetite lowering hormones (leptin and cholecystokinin).

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