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Effectiveness of local hemostatic agents following dental extraction: A systematic review

P. Kiruthika, M. Dhanraj, Ashish R. Jain


If the local hemostatic agent is effective in controlling postextraction bleeding in patients undergoing dental extraction patients. To evaluate the effectiveness of local hemostatic agents in the management of bleeding in dental extraction sockets. To evaluate the difference between various local hemostatic agents in causing hemostasis in patients undergoing dental extraction. An electronic search was initiated for scholarly articles on local hemostatic agents, oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT), and dental extraction. The search was PubMed based. The search methodology applied was a combination of MESH terms and suitable keywords based on PICO formulated for the review. The database search yielded 356 articles out, of which 201 articles were discarded after reading the abstract and 151 articles were excluded based on exclusion criteria. Finally, 4 articles were selected and subjected to data extraction and statistical analysis. The obtained articles exhibited a significant amount of heterogeneity with respect to the method of assessment and outcome parameters. Hence, a meta-analysis cannot be performed. The commonly used hemostatic agents in patients undergoing OAT, gelatin sponge, histoacryl glue, tranexamic acid, fibrin glue, and collagen sponge and this review observed no statistically significant difference among local hemostatic agents. This systematic review concluded that local hemostatic agents are additionally effective than the conventional suturing technique used to control post-operative bleeding following dental extraction.

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