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Effect of integrated exercise program on posture in Idiopathic Scoliosis

Mahmoud Ibrahim Elsayed Aly, Fatma Seddik Amin, Mohamed Abdelmonem Negm, Aliaa Attyah Mohamed Diab


Purpose: To investigate the effect of integrated exercise program on posture in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Participant(s) and Methods: 10 Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis female participants with average thoracic Cobb’s angle (36 degrees ±4.1) with average age (14.6 years ±1.2), weight (48.3 kg ±5.9), height (1.52 cm ±0.1). Participants underwent an integrated exercise program consists of Schroth exercises, manual therapy, myofascial release, core stability exercises, Yoga and Pilates for 6 months with an average of 2 sessions per week. Each session was 120 minutes. Participants were assessed using Posture Screen mobile software before and after treatment from back view. Results: There was a significant difference in the 11 variables used in Posture Screen Mobile assessments using paired t-test. The mean difference indicated improvement in Head Shift, Head Tilt, Shoulder Shift, Shoulder Tilt, Ribcage Shift, T1-T4 Shift, T1-T4 Tilt, T4-T8 Shift, T4-T8 Tilt, T8-T12 Shift, T8-T12 Tilt. Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in posture after applying integrated exercise program for 6 months.

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