Effect of high temperature on various indirect restorations in forensic identification - An in vitro study
The forensic odontologist utilizes the human dentition throughout each stage of dental evaluation, and restorations are as unique as fingerprints, and their radiographic morphology, as well as the types of filling materials, are often the main feature for identification. The detection of residual restorative material and composition of unrecovered adjacent restoration is a valuable toolmark in the presumptive identification of the dentition of a burned victim. Zirconia, composite, lithium disilicate, and so on have a different resistance to prolonged high temperature. Therefore, the identification of burned bodies can be correlated with adequate qualities and quantities of the traces. Most of the odontogenic examination relies heavily on the existence of the restoration as well as the relationship of one dental structure to another. This greatly narrows the research for the final identification that is based on postmortem data. The purpose of this study is to examine the resistance of teeth and different indirect restorative materials, to variable temperature and duration, for identification. The crowns were fabricated (n = 10) with one of the following materials Group 1: Lithium disilicate (Emax ivoclar, vivadent), Group 2: Zirconia (BruxZir-Glidwell laboratories, USA), and Group 3: Indirect composite resin (Adoro ivoclar, vivadent). Crowns were heated in the furnace to 400°C and 1100°C during different time intervals (400°C for 5 min, 400°C for 15 min, 400°C for 30 min, and 1100°C for 15 min) and assess for surface characteristics based on visual image analysis by Patidar et al., 2010. The zirconia used in this study proved to be more resistible to heat, and it proves to be the better material of choice as a forensic tool since it did not show much of a change in the morphology even at the higher temperature compared to composite and lithium disilicate.
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