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Distance learning technologies in online and mixed learning in pre-professional education of medical lyceum students

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COVID-19 has excited the established system of teaching in educational institutions, as learning with the help of distance electronic technologies became the main method of teaching curricula during the forced self-isolation. This problem was very acutely identified for medical high school students when they switched to e-learning with the help of ZOOM and Skype Internet technologies. After six weeks of learning in an online environment and six weeks of hybrid learning, a questionnaire-based feedback study was carried out to examine the perception of this type of learning among high school students and teachers of the medical high school. The data were analyzed using standard statistical software. The group of respondents were 120 students and 15 teachers of the medical profile lyceum. Based on the respondents' answers, the main advantages and disadvantages of online learning were identified. In terms of learning efficiency, i.e., acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge, no significant statistical difference was observed between online learning and face-to-face (p = 0.46). In terms of improving practical skills (p < 0.001) and social competencies (p < 0.001), online learning was less effective than face-to-face learning. During online classes, students reported decreased self-activity incomparison with face-to-face classes (p < 0.001). E-learning was considered to be convenient by 80% of respondents. E-learning is a strong tool for pre-professional training of medical high school students. However, a well-thought-out strategy is required for the successful introduction of online learning into the curriculum, a certain restructuring of the educational process, and an active approach to innovation.

How to cite this article:
Tsekhmister VY, Konovalova T, Tsekhmister YB. Distance learning technologies in online and mixed learning in pre-professional education of medical lyceum students. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(4):127-35. https://doi.org/10.51847/ZLy2idWa4f
Tsekhmister, V. Y., Konovalova, T., & Tsekhmister, Y. B. (2021). Distance learning technologies in online and mixed learning in pre-professional education of medical lyceum students. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(4), 127-135. https://doi.org/10.51847/ZLy2idWa4f
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