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Development of professional competencies in higher pharmaceutical education according to students

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The introduction of new professional competencies in the training of specialists with higher pharmaceutical education in Russia dictates the necessity to obtain useful information from students about the understanding of competencies, their relevance for future professional activity. To establish the opinion of pharmacy students of different courses on the perception and the degree of readiness to perform professional competencies (mandatory and recommended), presented in the Sample Basic Educational Program for specialty "Pharmacy" (specialist). The survey involved 359 pharmacy students from 37 higher education institutions of Russia. All respondents were divided into five target cohorts (C1-C5), depending on the course of study. The study was conducted using a web survey based on a structured questionnaire. The study demonstrated a high degree of respondents' perception of mandatory professional competencies (Me 5, IQR: 4-5). The recommended competencies were perceived ambiguously by the students. When assessing the degree of formation of professional competencies of pharmacy students, it was found that their ability to independently perform each compulsory or recommended competence increases with an increasing course of study. The results of the formation of compulsory professional competencies of senior students were high (in the cohort C4 – 90%, C5 – 96%). The degree of satisfaction of the survey participants with the acquired professional competencies was close to the data on the levels of their readiness to perform the competencies.

How to cite this article:
Budenkova EA, Litvinova TM, Babaskina LI. Development of professional competencies in higher pharmaceutical education according to students. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(1):199-206. https://doi.org/10.51847/i58csTObvm
Budenkova, E. A., Litvinova, T. M., & Babaskina, L. I. (2021). Development of professional competencies in higher pharmaceutical education according to students. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 11(1), 199-206. https://doi.org/10.51847/i58csTObvm
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