Detection of Microbial Contamination in quality control of Ophthalmic Preparations by PCR
The genetic material of each living organism- plant or animal, bacterium or virus possesses sequences of its nucleotide building blocks (usually DNA, sometimes RNA) that are uniquely and specifically present only in its own species. These unique variations make it possible to trace genetic material back to its origin, identifying with precision at least what species of organism it come from, and often which particular member of that species.Such an investigation requires, however, that enough of the DNA understudy is available for analysis which is where PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) comes in. PCR exploits the remarkable natural function of the enzymes known as polymerases.PCR is an essential tool for improving human health and human life in areas of detection of variation and mutation in genes, especially human genes. The method is useful for searching out disease organisms that are difficult or impossible to culture, such as many kinds of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, because it can generate analysable quantities of the organism’s genetic material for identification. The aim of this study was to develop a method for detection of microbial contamination in quality control of ophthalmic preparations by PCR.
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