Comparison of salivary pH changes with tap water and mineral water rinse after 50 % sucrose solution rinse - A crossover trial
Oral hygiene is the primordial level of prevention of dental caries. Since mouth rinsing habit is a daily oral hygiene habit, modification with pH modifying agents can greatly help in the prevention of dental caries. The aim of the study was to compare the effect on salivary pH following mouth rinse using tap water and various brands of mineral water after rinsing with 50% sucrose solution. A crossover trial was done among 60 children in the age group of 3-6 years. The salivary pH was measured at three intervals at baseline, after rinsing with 50% sucrose solution and after rinsing with tap water. After 30 min, the similar protocol is followed for measuring pH after rinsing with mineral water. Randomization was followed in selecting the brand of mineral water to be used. The results obtained were compared with Wilcoxon Signed ranks test the salivary pH after tap water and mineral water rinse and with Kruskal–Wallis Test in between the three brands of mineral water. There was a significant difference in salivary pH after the tap water and mineral water rinse with a higher pH after mineral water rinse. However, there was no significant difference in between the three different brands of mineral water. Rinsing mouth with a solution having higher alkaline pH leads to neutralization of acid production, thereby preventing the caries process.
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